Four Different Types of Photos You Can Use to Build Your Brand

Four Different Types of Photos You Can Use to Build Your Brand

If you want to build your brand, you must focus on the visual appeal of your company. So, check out the following four different types of photos you can use and find out how to make the most of them.

1. Photos of Your Products

If you sell products, you obviously need to get them seen. Therefore, you need some excellent shots of your product range or key products to place on your website, social media sites, and other channels to drive sales.

By using the Photo Effects and Filters in editing software, you can soon make your product photographs ooze class and professionalism.

For instance, you could use simple tools to remove backgrounds, balance the image exposure, adjust highlights, add lens flares, or give your images a cinematic look.

2. Photos of Customers Engaging with Your Product or Service

Product photos are great for showing off the specs and the look of your products, but adding a human touch to a photo will boost its appeal. So, in addition to posting product images online, create shots of people interacting with your products. Having a smiling person holding your product can make a huge difference in how it connects with consumers.

Perhaps more importantly, this type of photo can show how easy it is to use your product. For instance, if you sell vacuum cleaners, you could show a person emptying the bag or turning the appliance on. Also, make sure the person you use in the photo fits your target customer demographic. Sometimes, it can be good to have several people in the shot, such as for family products like matching pajamas.

Even if you do not sell physical products, you can still take photos of customer interactions. For example, if you sell insurance, you could take a shot of a happy client shaking hands with a professional sitting behind a desk.

3. Headshots That Suit Your Brand

To build your brand, you need to show the face of your company. Customers engage with companies more when they can see what the business owner and other people in the organization look like. So, ensure you add headshots on your website and in your media packages.

You could go for a professional headshot, with smart clothes and a neutral background. Alternatively, you could opt for a lifestyle headshot, which shows you in an out-of-work situation, such as enjoying a nice cup of coffee. The key is to choose headshots that suit your brand.

If your audience is the surfing community, you would want to include a photo of you with your board at the beach; if you run a bakery, make sure you have your apron on; and so on.

4. Creative Photos That Incorporate Your Brand’s Logo

Yes, your brand is composed of real people and the products or services you sell. But to really boost your brand and take your company to the next level, you need to make people notice your logo.

You are sure to already be using your logo on your social media channels, media packs, and website, and hopefully, you have already used tips and tricks to enhance your website’s design, but there is another great way of promoting your brand’s logo: put it on items that you use in a photo shoot. For instance, you can get branded mugs, T-shirts, hats, and pretty much anything else with your logo printed on the item.

Come up with an idea for a photo shoot, such as your team enjoying a cup of coffee together, and add the branded items to the scene. You can come up with some fantastic and creative images to use in your promotional material and you will be able to introduce your logo and brand to a wider audience.